128 Adaptive Server Enterprise
device files 109
locales.dat 95
localization 82
localized error messages (.loc) 95
runserver 19
shared memory 27
sort order definition (.srt) files 90
formatting for local date, time, and currency 95
French sample database 7
German sample database 7
globalization support, Sybase 47, 81, 94, 97
Greek character sets 87
hardware error messages 42
IBM RS/6000 42
Hebrew character sets 87
heterogeneous environments 84, 89
described 53
interfaces files and 53
homogeneous environments
described 53
interfaces files and 53
host component in interfaces files 56
host name
determining 56
netstat command 43
network protocol 56
ps command 44
sar command 43
time command 44
timeout period 41
vmstat command 43
I/O monitoring 43
IBM RS/6000
hardware error messages 42
iostat command 44
monitoring systems 44
netstat command 44
netstat -v command 44
network protocol 56
no -a command 44
ps command 44
time command 44
timeout period 41
vmstat command 44
installation directory, Sybase xv
interfaces file 11
interfaces files
Adaptive Server, naming in 56
Adaptive Server, used by 53
address component for SPX 57
API component in 56
automatic creation of 50
client and server versions, differences in 52
clients, used by 49
contents of 51
creating automatically 50
creating master files with dscp 58
creating master files with dsedit 58
creating master files with text editor 58
creating, for beginners 58
debug service type 56
default location 50
delay_interval component 56
described 49
device component 57
ether placeholder 56
heterogeneous environments and 51
homogeneous environments and 51
host component 56
location 50
loghost placeholder 59
machine component 57
master service type 56
multiple network listeners 59
multiple networks 51, 59
network component 56
port component 57
protocol component 56