Sort orders

Sort order name


Dictionary order, case

Case-insensitive dictionary sort order, with case preference for collating purposes. A

insensitive with

word written with uppercase letters is equivalent to the same word written with


lowercase letters.


Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished only when you use an order by


clause. The order by clause sorts uppercase letters before it sorts lowercase.





Note Do not select this sort order unless your installation requires that uppercase letters


be sorted before lowercase letters in otherwise equivalent strings for order by clauses.


Using this sort order may reduce performance in large tables when the columns


specified in an order by clause match the key of the table’s clustered index.






Alternate dictionary

Case-sensitive alternate dictionary sort order with lowercase variants sorted before

order, case sensitive



Use with several of the Western European languages.



Alternate dictionary

Case-insensitive and accent-insensitive alternate dictionary sort order.

order, case insensitive,

Use with several of the Western European languages.

accent insensitive





Alternate dictionary

Case-insensitive alternate dictionary sort order with uppercase preference.

order, case insensitive,

Use with several of the Western European languages.

uppercase preference





Spanish dictionary order,

Case-sensitive Spanish dictionary sort order.

case sensitive

Use with Spanish and for most Latin American locales.




Spanish dictionary order,

Spanish case-insensitive dictionary sort order.

case insensitive

Use with Spanish and for most Latin American locales.




Spanish dictionary order

Spanish case-insensitive and accent-insensitive dictionary sort order.

case insensitive, accent

Use with Spanish and for most Latin American locales.






Scandinavian dictionary

Case-sensitive dictionary sort order.

order, case sensitive

Use with Scandinavian languages.




Scandinavian dictionary

Case-insensitive and accent-insensitive dictionary sorting, with uppercase preference.

order, case insensitive,

Use with Scandinavian languages.

uppercase preference






To see the sort orders that are available, use sqlloc to display the sort orders for


the character sets you plan to use. For more information on unicode sort orders


for utf_8, see Chapter 7, “Configuring Character Sets, Sort Orders, and


Languages” in the System Administration Guide.


Adaptive Server Enterprise

Page 108
Image 108
Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04 manual For utf8, see , Configuring Character Sets, Sort Orders