Sylvania SMPS2018 manual Music Playback, To view the songs list

Models: SMPS2018

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Music Playback

Music Playback


002/002 00:00

W i n t e r i n J u l y :

Hold the Play/Pause button to turn on the player, and it will enter the Music Mode automatically. You can select different songs by pressing the Previous / Next buttons, and press the Play/Pause button to start playing the song you select.

While enjoying music, you can press the Play/Pause button to pause or continue the music; Press the Previous / Next buttons to move back to the previous song or jump to the next song; Hold the Previous / Next buttons to move your song forward or rewind it.

If you want to adjust the volume, please press the Vol- / Vol+ buttons. And if you want to repeat a segment of the song, you can press

the REC button.

Naviga tion

To view the songs list

While enjoying music, if you wanna view the songs list, you can hold the MODE button to the Main Menu screen. Select Navigation, and the name of current song will be shown after you press the MODE button.

Press the Previous / Next buttons to select a song in the list, then play it by pressing the Play/Pause button.


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Sylvania SMPS2018 manual Music Playback, To view the songs list