24Getting started with the CommandCentral family About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter
■NetApp Volumes
Dashboard customization with selected reports
By default, the Dashboard shows report categories and their descriptions. With Enterprise Reporter 5.0 MP1, you can customize the Dashboard to show any report, including one that you created. Enterprise Reporter provides a new "Set This as Home Report" option that enables you to display a selected report on the Dashboard.
For more information about the Dashboard, see the CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter User's Guide.
New package and metrics
Enterprise Reporter 5.0 MP1 now includes the following additions, which expand the storage asset data that you can report on:
■The new Storage Analysis package includes the metrics from the 5.0 Array Analysis package as well as additional metrics. We recommend that you use this new package instead of the Array Analysis package that shipped with 5.0. The Storage Analysis package includes the following metrics:
■Storage capacity metrics, which are equivalent to the Array Analysis package metrics.
■SAN and DAS storage metrics, which are equivalent to the allocated storage metrics in the Array Analysis package (located in Array Analysis > Configured Capacity Metrics > Allocated Storage Metrics).
■NAS Storage metrics, which include NAS volume capacity data and NAS inventory data for volumes, qtrees, volumes, shares, folders, files, and users.
■The new NetApp package includes NetApp data about unified storage devices, such as Multistore Virtual Systems, volumes, qtrees, and shares.
■A new metric, Drive Type, was added to the following packages:
■Host Storage Allocation package
■Tiered Storage Allocation package
The Drive Type metric indicates the physical disk drive that is used for creation of the LUN. Values include Fibre Channel, ATA, and Unknown.
For more information about packages and metrics, see the CommandCentral