LS 3070 Product Reference Guide: The LS 3070 Cordless Scanner
The Base/Charger Unit The base/charger unit has two primary functions. First, it is the
base station
interface that manages the flow of information from the scanner to the host
device. Second, it is a
charging stand
which charges the scanner’s battery
module (located in the handle) and also holds the scanner securely when it is
not in use. An LED indicates the status of battery charging.
The base/charger unit communicates via radio transmission with the scanner
to receive bar code data from the scanner, confirm receipt of data back to the
scanner, and exchange configuration information. The base/charger unit also
formats the scanned bar code data as required and then transmits it to the host
system through the attached cable.
Host Cable
Figure 1-3. RL 470 Base/Charger Unit
Power Supply
Connection Port
Status LED