LS 3070 Product Reference Guide: Programming
Code 39 Check Digit
When enabled, this parameter checks the integrity of a Code 39 symbol to
ensure it complies with a modulo 43 check digit algorithm.
ITF-14/EAN-13 Conversion
If your terminal supports EAN-13, this feature converts a 14 character I 2 of 5
code into EAN-13, and transmits to the host as EAN-13. In order to accomplish
this, the I 2 of 5 code must be enabled, one length (either LENGTH 1 or
LENGTH 2) must be set to 14, the code must have a leading zero and a valid
EAN-13 check digit.
Bi-Directional Redundancy for Codabar
This parameter applies only to Codabar symbols. When enabled, the bar code
must be decoded in both directions to be considered good.
MSI Plessey Check Digit
One or two digits at the end of the bar code that check the integrity of the data.
At least one check digit (default) is always required. Check digits are not
transmitted with the data.
Code 39 Buffering (Scan & Store)
When you select the scan and store option, all Code 39 symbols having a
leading space as a first character are temporarily buffered in the unit to be
transmitted later. The leading space is not buffered.
Decode of a valid Code 39 symbol with no leading space causes transmission
in sequence of all buffered data in a first-in first-out format, plus transmission
of the “triggering” symbol. See Code 39 Buffering beginning on page 6-26 for
further details.
When the scan and transmit option is selected, decoded Code 39 symbols
without leading spaces are transmitted without being stored in the buffer.
Scan and Store affects Code 39 decodes only. If you select scan and store, it is
recommended that you configure the scanner to decode Code 39 symbology