24 3 Installation of the Driver Software
7. Click NEXT.
The window “Readme Information“ is displayed.
8. Click NEXT.
The window “Destination Folder“ is displayed.
9. Select a folder where the application is to be installed.
The default destination folder is \Program Files\SysKonnect\, on the partition where the
operating system is located.
To install in a different folder, click BROWSE and select a different folder.
10. Click NEXT.
The window “Ready to install the application“ is displayed.
11. Click NEXT to continue the installation.
The window “Updating System - Installation of updated drivers“ is displayed.
12. Click NEXT to continue the installation.
In case the driver does not have a Microsoft Digital Signature yet, the window “Digital
Signature Not Found” is displayed (in WindowsXP, the window “Software Installation” is
13. To continue the installation, click YES (in WindowsXP, click CONTINUE ANYWAY).
The window “Updating System - Scan for New Hardware” is displayed.
14. If required, click NEXT to continue the installation.
The menu “SysKonnect Network Installation Package has been successfully installed” is
15. Click FINISH to exit the installation program.
16. If the system requests a reboot, restart your computer.
The “SysKonnect Network Control” can now be started from the Control Panel window:
For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file.
LinuxThe Linux driver for the SysKonnect SK-9E21D 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter, PCI Express,
supports the Linux kernel 2.4.13 and higher stable versions. The installation procedure for the
various Linux distributions differs. The driver will be integrated into the kernel, i.e. using the
standard installation procedure of your distribution to install Ethernet adapters should cause
no problems. For details on the installation of Ethernet adapters, refer to the distribution’s
manual. The installation procedure described in this manual is a general description for Intel/
x86 computers, which is valid for all distributions.
It is recommended to download the latest version of the driver from the SysKonnect web site
http://www.syskonnect.com. If you have downloaded the latest driver, the Linux kernel has to
be patched before the driver can be installed.
Patch the Linux kernel To patch the Linux kernel, proceed as follows:
1. Login as “root”.
2. Download the original Linux source code named linux-a.b.c.tar.gz or linux-
a.b.c.tar.bz2 (e.g. linux-2.4.13.tar.bz2) into the directory /usr/src.
You can download the source code from the FTP site ftp://ftp.kernel.org or from one of its
mirror sites.
The linux kernel version has to match the version of the patch file.
3. Unpack the original Linux source code with one of the following commands:
tar xvzf linux-a.b.c.tar.gz
tar xfvj linux-a.b.c.tar.bz2