SysKonnect SK-9E21D 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter PCI Express
ConventionsThe following conventions apply in this manual.
Warnings and Notes
Font Styles applied
Used to indicate a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury. Example: dangerous voltage.
Used to indicate a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury. Example: electrostatic discharge.
Used for additional information and advice.
Courier: Used to identify terminal input to be entered by the user and output to be
issued by the system.
Examples: Enter sk98diag.
If the test was succesful, the message passed is issued.
Italics: Used when new technical terms are introduced.
Example: The station is operated in Repeater Mode.
SMALL CAPS: Used to identify menu options to be selected by the user and buttons to be
clicked by the user.
Examples: In the main menu, select EXIT.
Click NEXT.
Underline: Used to identify hyperlinks, which, if clicked by the user, jump to the desig-
nated link.
Example: Visit our web site: http://www.syskonnect.com.