SysKonnect SK-9E21D 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter PCI Express
Sun Solaris (x86) 27
Sun Solaris (x86)
The Solaris x86 driver supports the SysKonnect SK-9E21D 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter, PCI
Express, on Solaris 7 and higher.
There are two tools for installing the driver package:
”pkgadd”, which runs from the command line
”admintool”, which uses a GUI
The following description of the driver installation is based on an installation on Solaris x86. It
is valid for all Sun Solaris systems.
In order to perform the installation, you need “root” access.
Driver packages downloaded from our web site are available in a compressed format (.tar.Z
files). The package has to be uncompressed before installation.
Uncompress the
To uncompress the downloaded driver package, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the directory where the compressed driver package is located, e.g. /usr/SKGE/
skgesol_x86v7.00.tar.Z for the x86 version.
Uncompress the file with the following command:
uncompress skgesol_x86v<version number>.tar.Z
(e.g. uncompress skgesol_x86v7.00.tar.Z).
The result is the file “skgesol_x86v<version number>.tar”.
2. Untar this file with the following command:
tar -xvf skgesol_x86v<version number>.tar
The result is a subdirectory containing the driver package and the readme files in .html
and .txt-format.
The driver package is now ready to be installed.
Install the driver with
To install the driver using ”pkgadd”, proceed as follows:
1. After you have installed the adapter in your computer (for details, see chapter 1 "Installa-
tion of the Network Adapter"), boot your Sun Solaris system.
2. Go to the directory where the subdirectory “SKGEsol” is located.
3. Execute ”pkgadd”:
pkgadd -d . SKGEsol
A shell window is displayed asking whether you want to configure IP interfaces during
installation or not.
4. If yes, type y.
If no, type n.
5. Press <Enter>.
If you have typed y in step 4, continue with step 6.
If you have typed n in step 4, only the driver will be loaded and all interfaces have to be
configured manually. For details, refer to the corresponding readme file.
6. Enter the following values for every interface you want to configure as the system
requests them:
the new interface's name (“skge0” for the first interface’s name, “skge1” for the sec-
ond one, etc.),
the IP address (e.g., and
the netmask (e.g.
Once you have entered all information, the message “Are these settings OK (y/
n)?” is displayed.
7. If all settings are OK, type y.
8. Press <Enter>.