36 4 Features
a network group, even if they are distributed over several buildings. Colleagues working on
the same project can be united in a common VLAN, even if they belong to different depart-
ments in different buildings or even different locations. Other network groups can be made in-
visible to these users. Using Virtual LANs can improve network performance, limit broadcast
storms, minimize security problems and ease the management task.
By means of frame tagging, the SysKonnect SK-9E21D 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter, PCI Ex-
press, can support up to 64 IP address assignments in a single network connection. Thus,
multiple VLANs can be configured for one port. Stations can be accessed from systems in
multiple IP sub nets without traversing routers. Additionally, multiple application VLANs can
be defined to isolate traffic for performance and security purposes. For this reason, the server
can be physically connected to a single switch port but still belong to several VLANs. The Gi-
gabit Ethernet adapter can receive tagged packets and is able to tag outgoing packets. The
switch the adapter is connected to must support VLAN tagging according to IEEE 802.1q.
For several operating systems, SysKonnect offers drivers that support VLAN tagging and thus
can be applied for VLAN servers and terminal units.
For more information on Virtual LANs, refer to the White Paper “Virtual Networks”, which can
be found on the installation CD-ROM under “White Papers” or on our web site under “Tech-
nology”. Also see the corresponding readme files for the respective drivers.
Virtual Cable Tester™ (VCT)The VCT technology utilizes Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology to remotely diag-
nose the quality and characteristics of the attached cables. Using this technology it is possible
to detect and report potential cabling issues such as cable opens, cable shorts or any imped-
ance mismatches in the cable and accurately report - within one meter - the distance to the
fault. The VCT technology enables the IT manager or the end user to quickly identify the fail-
ing mechanism and isolate the source of the problem.