22 3 Installation of the Driver Software
Using the option EXPERT INSTALLATION, the driver is also compiled automatically and the resulting
driver module object file is installed in a suitable location (similar to USER INSTALLATION). No source
files of the driver are installed into the kernel directory. Only the driver module object file and the
man page of the driver are installed on your system permanently. Using this procedure it is the us-
er’s responsibility to provide a consistent Linux system with correctly installed Linux kernel sources.
In case of installation problems, an error message is displayed. The user has to solve the problem
and restart the installation.
Using the option PATCH GENERATION, a driver patch is created, which can be integrated into the
Linux kernel instead of compiling and installing the driver on your system.
The options EXPERT INSTALLATION and PATCH GENERATION are recommended for advanced users
only. For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file.
In the following the installation procedure USER INSTALLATION is described.
Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be met in order to install the Linux driver:
• Any device using the Linux kernel module needs to be stopped.
• Your system has to be equipped with a network adapter.
Without a network adapter the full driver functionality cannot be checked.
• The Linux kernel source must be stored in the directory /usr/src/linux.
The kernel source and the kernel version have to be consistent.
• A compilation tool, e.g. “gcc”, has to be installed on your Linux system.
Prepare the installa-
tion package
1. Download the installation package with the latest version of the driver from the SysKonnect web
site http://www.syskonnect.com.
2. Login as “root”.
3. Unpack the installation package with one of the following commands:
tar xfvj install-???.tar.bz2
bunzip2 -c install-???.tar.bz2 | tar xfv -
The installation script can now be started.
Install the driver To start the installation script, proceed as follows:
1. Execute the following command to start the script:
cd DriverInstall
2. Select the option USER INSTALLATION.
The driver is now compiled and loaded. This process can take a few minutes.
For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file or to the kernel documentation (which
usually can be found in the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ on your system).