32 6 Testing the Network Adapter
To test the adapter, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the computer.
2. If the computer is still connected to the data network, unplug the data cable from the network
adapter’s port.
3. Connect the network adapter as follows:
• For the simple test: Insert the protective plugs into the ports.
• For the loopback test: Insert the wrap plug into the port.
4. Boot to DOS.
Wait until the operating system is loaded and the DOS prompt is displayed.
5. Insert the installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
6. Go to the appropriate product directory.
7. Type sk98diag.
8. Press <Enter>.
9. From the main menu of the diagnostics program, select one of the following:
IAGNOSTICS for the simple test (no loopback),
OOPB. WRAP PLUG for the loopback test,
OOPB. PORT TO PORT for the port-to-port test (only with dual link adapters) or
OOPB. EXT. REPEATER for the loopback repeater test.
The various components will now be tested; this will take between one and two minutes. If the
test was successful, the following window (or similar) will be displayed:
Figure 7. Typical display after a successful test (loopback wrap plug)
You can follow the progress of the test in the right-hand window. Each test is displayed as it is
being performed (e.g. Board register check).
If the test is successful, the word passed is issued at the end of the line and the next test is
started. If there is a problem, the word failed is issued.
If errors are reported, follow the instructions that are displayed.
10. Check the configuration and, if necessary, repeat the test (see section “Failure of a Test”).
11. To continue testing, press any key.
12. To quit the diagnostics program, select EXIT in the main menu.
13. Remove the wrap plug from the port.
14. (Re)connect the ports to the data network.