D14111.02—MAY 2008 6
Content Server User Guide
Viewing Conferences
You can change the following:
Display Name—displayed at the bottom left of the
Items Per Page—the number of conferences o n a
page. Can be 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100, with the default
set to 20.
Category—when you login, only conferences
belonging to this category wil l be displayed.
Automatically determine my optim um conference
size—the Content Server will automatic ally play the
largest available conferenc e size you will be able to
watch - this is based on your Internet con nection
speed detected at login.
Size—you can override the automatic detecti on
setting by deselecting Automat ic above and
selecting the size of conference s you want to
watch. Choose Audio or Small if you have a mo dem
connection to the Internet—choose Medi um or
Large if you are on a fast network.
Note: If a conference is not available i n the size you
selected or which has been auto matically detected,
the Content Viewer will pick the size w hich will give
you the best viewing experien ce.
If your Internet connection is too sl ow, or a
conference is not available in the s ize specified in
your preferences, you will see a ban dwidth warning
in the interface , warning you that your
Internet connection may be too slow to di splay the
video properly.
Setting Preferences
Click this to change some of your own dis play options, such as your disp lay name, number of items show n per page,
categories and the viewing size o f the conference to watch.
In this chapter…
Sc reen options
Conference lists
Setting preferences
Viewing conferences
What’s in this user guide?
Creating Conferences
Frequently Asked Questions