Tascam CD-RW700 owner manual 4.4.2Rehearsal for track division, 4 • Recording—Rehearsal

Models: CD-RW700

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4.4.2Rehearsal for track division

12 Start playing the source material. The unit starts recording, with the start point being determined by the trim value.


If a trim setting is made for the sync start, this will apply to all sync starts and track divisions made in the future until the value is reset using the procedure above.

4.4.2Rehearsal for track division

In the same way that the automatic threshold may produce a false trigger, starting recording at the wrong point, the automatic threshold may produce false track divisions.

By rehearsing the point at which the track division is to be made, it is possible to trim the division point so that it corresponds to a the track division which is actually required.

1Load a recordable disc into the unit and make sure the unit is in stop mode.

2If the unit is not already in auto track mode, set it so that the A-TRACKindicator is lit on the display (4.3.2, “Automatic track division”).

3Cue the source material to a little before the point of the planned track division.

4Press the RHSL key 4 twice so that the display shows Waiting Inc.

If the auto track mode has not previously been selected, the display shows No Inc Mode when the key is pressed.

5Start playing the source. When the start of the track is detected (as explained in 4.3.1, “Syn- chronized recording”), the display changes to


6If the rehearsal does not start at the region of the true track division point, press the RHSL key once again to “re-arm” the trigger.

7After nine seconds, the message changes from

Inc RHSL, and the sampled data loops in

4 • Recording—Rehearsal

a four-second loop. The display shows Inc 0:0X, where X is the current second of the loop.

8Stop the source.

9Turn the MULTI JOG control B to adjust the

point of the loop. The display shows:

TRIM = +XXXf or

TRIM = -XXXf, where XXX can be a number between 0 and 125 and changes back to the Inc 0:0x display when the loop restarts.

10 When the track division point has been fixed, press the STOP key (H or J).

11 Press the RECORD key (K or E) to enter record ready mode. The synchronized record- ing mode can be used here, and so the SYNC REC key (L or F) may be pressed to prepare for synchronized recording.

12 Cue up the source material to the point where recording is to start.

13 Start playing the source material. If sync recording is not being used, start recording on the CD-RW700 (otherwise recording starts automatically).

When the track division point (plus or minus the trim value set earlier) is reached, the recording will divide into tracks.

Note that if a positive trim value is set (i.e. the start point of the track is “slipped” to a position past the “normal” start), the counter shows a minus value (e.g. -0.02) for the period between the “normal” and the actual adjusted start position. This minus value is also displayed when recording starts, if sync recording has been enabled.


If a trim setting is made for the track division, this will apply to all track divisions and sync starts made in the future until the value is reset using the procedure above.


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Tascam CD-RW700 owner manual 4.4.2Rehearsal for track division, 4 • Recording—Rehearsal