Gilford (A Corning Laboratory Sciences
Company) Stasar III Spectrophotometer.
A highly accurate reference spectropho-
tometer operating in the visible portions
of the spectrum from 335 nm to 700nm.
Linear measurements of absorbance or
concentration are displayed on a bright, easy-to-read
LED readout. Consists of a tungsten light source, dif-
fraction grating monochromator (wavelength accuracy
+or- 2nm, and stray less than 0.3% throughout the wave-
length range), linear absorbance photometer, and a four-
place LED readout. Provisions are included for printers,
auxiliary analog equipment, and computer inputs for
remote control of sample and purge. This is the com-
plete set in a large military transit case including air
pump, vacuum receiver, spare parts, cuvettes, operators
manual, service manual, and dual calibration standard.
Includes certificate of calibration. Appears to be
unused. Sorry, but we are not allowed to ship these out-
side the United States. Only have a few.
I1480 $675.00
This is a beauty! Portable and precise, the instrument
provides direct wavelength readings of visible spectrum
from 400nm to 750nm with each scale division repre-
senting 5nm. The spectrum is viewed in the plane of
scale and for error free readings, the D-line (wave-
length of sodium light) on the scale can be
adjusted.Great for demonstrating spectra from any
visible light source. Precision made heavy duty stainless steel construction
with an Amici type 3-element prism assembly with angle dispersion C-F 5
degrees, variable optical slit and adjustable eyepiece. Easy to use: Optical
slit adjusts by rotating the knurled end piece, and focus for both the scope
and wavelength scale is slip type. Contrast and resolution of the spectrum is
changed by adjusting the slit opening. Both emission and absorption spectra
can be viewed. Compact 4-1/4" inches long by 1 inch diameter on the slit end
and 1-3/4" wide on the eyepiece end. We have seen similar ones selling for
$350.00 online. Lots of uses including gem studies. New with wood case.
Wollensak quality optics since 1899.
L3524 $92.50
Page 60 - Instruments
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