Models 150, 152, 162, 168 Operating Procedures
Note: Models 162/168 have three draw handles.
Slidet he tip of the draw handle into the slot of the draw
valve, starting from the right. Slide the s hort pivot pin
through the far right draw handle. Slidethe longpivot
pin through the far left and middle draw handles.
Figure 20
Step 7
Snap the design cap(s) over the bottom of the f reezer
door spout(s).
Figure 21
Step 8
Lay the air tube(s) in the bottom of the mix hopper(s).
SanitizingStep 1
Prepare one gallon (3.8 liters) of an approved 100
PPM sanitizing solution (example: Kay-5 t). USE
Step 2
Pour one gallon (3.8 liters) of sanitiz ing solution into
thehopper and allow it to flow into the fr eezingcy linder.
Step 3
While the solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder,
brush-clean the mix hopper, mix level float st em, mix
level float, mix inlet hole, and air tube.
Figure 22