20 Model 220Operating Procedures
Step 5
If the scale does not have overrun gr aduations, then
weigh one pint (1/2 liter) of mix before freezing. Draw
as ample pint (1/2 liter) of frozen product and level it off
with a straight edge.
Step 6
Place the pint (1/2 liter) of product on the scale and
readthe weight . Divide the weight of the frozen product
into the weight of the raw mix for your percent of
increase. If the answer is 2, you have 100% overrun.
If the answer is between 1 and 2, the decimal
represents your overrun.
8.2 15.2
Raw Mix = 15.2 oz. (450ml)
Frozen Mix =8.2 oz. (243 ml) Overrun = 85%
Drawing ProductStep 1
When the desired temperature and overrun of the
product has been achieved, the product may be drawn
into packages or cans for hardening. Place t he
packageor c an directly beneath the ejection port of the
freezer door.
Step 2
Put the control switch into the “EJECT” posit ion and
place the container on the shelf.
Turnthe draw r od handle and pullfor ward, opening the
ejection port. When the container is full, push the draw
rod back into the valve body and lock into place.
Step 3
When the freezing cylinder is empty of pr oduct, close
the ejection port and place the control switch in the
“OFF” position.
Note: The shelf can be adjusted for large or small
containers. Lift upwards on the front edge of the shelf
to disengage from the holding collars; then lift away
from the freezer. Choose the desired height and slide
the shelf back down over the holding collars of the
same height on right and left sides.
Figure 40
Closing ProceduresAfter the necessary batches have been prepared, the
machine should be cleaned and sanitized. The
following procedures will show you how to rinse the
freezing cylinder of mix residue, clean and sanitize,
and disassemble the parts from the freezer.
IN THE “OFF” POSITION. Failure to follow this
instruction may result in severe personal injury from
hazardous moving parts.
Step 1
Remove the hopper cover, the gasket and the funnel.
Taket hese parts to the sink for cleaning.
Step 2
Pour two gallons (7.6 liters) of cool, clean water into
the mix hopper. With the brushes provided, scrubt he
mix hopper and the mix inlet hole.