Model 220 Operating Procedures
Step 3
Put the control switch into the “EJECT” posit ion and
allow the water to agitate for approximat ely one
Step 4
Put the control switch into the “OFF” position. Hold a
mix pail beneath the ejection port.
Step 5
Turnt he draw rod handle and pull toward, opening the
ejection port. When the water stops flowing from the
ejection port, push the draw rod back into the valve
body and lock into place.
Repeat these procedures until the rinse water being
drawn from the freezing cylinder is clear.
Cleaning/SanitizingStep 1
Prepare a pail of approved 100 PPM cleaning/sanitiz-
ing solution (examples: 2--1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of
Kay--5Ror2 gal. [7.6 liters] of Ster a--SheenR).USE
Step 2
Pour the cleaning/sanitizing solution into the hopper
and allow it to flow into the freezing cylinder.
Step 3
While the solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder,
brush clean the hopper and the mix inlet hole.
Step 4
Put the control switch into the “EJECT” position. This
will cause the cleaning/sanitizing solution in t he
freezing cylinder to be agitated. Allow it to agitate for
five minutes.
Step 5
Put the control switch into the “OFF” posit ion. Hold an
empty mix pail beneath the ejection port.
Step 6
Turnthe draw r od handle and pullfor ward, opening the
ejection port. Draw off all the sanitizing solution. When
the sanitizer stops flowing from the eject ion port, push
the draw rod back into the valve body and lock into
IN THE “OFF” POSITION. Failure to follow this
instruction may result in severe personal injury from
hazardous moving parts.
Step 1
Remove the cross bar screw assembly, the hinges,
pins, the cross bar, the freezer door, the beater
assembly,the scraper blades,and the drive shaft from
thef reezing cylinder. Also remove the adjustable shelf.
Take these parts to the sink for further disassembly
and cleaning.
Step 2
Remove the rear drip tray from the side panel.
Note: If the drip tray is filled wit h an excessive amount
of mix, it is anindicat iont hatthe drive shaft seal should
be replaced or was improperly lubricated.
Brush CleaningStep 1
Prepare a sink with an approved cleaning solution
(example: Kay--5Ror Stera--SheenR). USE WARM
If an approved cleaner other than (example: Kay--5R
or Stera--SheenR) is used, dilute it according to the
label instructions. IMPORTANT: Follow the label
directions. TooSTRONG of a solutioncan cause parts
damage, while too MILD of a solution will not provide
adequate cleaning. Make sure all brushes provided
with the freezer are available for brush cleaning.
Step 2
Remove theseal from the drive shaft.
Step 3
From the freezer door:
Remove the keeper pin on the valve body. Turn the
draw rod handle and pull the draw rod assembly out of
the valve body. Unscrew the valve piston and slide the
bearing holder down off the draw rod. Remove the
o--ring from the valve piston and the bearing holder.
Removet he large o--ringand the front bearing from the
back of the freezer door. Remove the keeper pin from
the cover cap assembly and remove the cover cap