Models 382/RC25 Operatin g Procedures
Figure 19
Place the large o-ring into the groove on the back side
of the door and lubricate the installed o-ring.
Figure 20
Place the door bearing into the back side of the door.
Note: Do not lubricate the door bearing.
Step 5
Install the freezer door. Align the torque rotor into the
center of the door and position the door on the four
studs on the front of the freezing cylinder. Firmly push
the door into place.
Figure 21
Step 6
Install the four handscrews on the studs.
Finger-tighten the screws equally in a crisscross
pattern to insure that the door is snug. Do not
over-tighten the handscrews.
Figure 22
Step 7
Install the torque arm. Position the torque arm by
inserting it through the slot in the torque switch arm and
down into the hole in the torque rotor which protrudes
from the door. Verify proper installation by moving the
torque rotor back and forth to be sure it moves freely
and easily.
Figure 23