Models 382/RC25 Important:O perator Checklist
Section 7 Important: Operator ChecklistDuring Cleaning and Sanitizing
Cleaning and sanitizing schedules are governed by
your State or local regulatory agencies and must be
followed accordingly. The following check points
should be stressed during the cleaning and sanitizing
Troubleshooting Bacterial Count
j1. Thoroughly clean and sanitize the machine
regularly, including complete disassembly and
brush cleaning.
j2. Use all brus hes supplied for thorough cleaning.
The brushes are specially designed to reach all
product passageways.
j3. Use t he white bristle brush to clean the mix inlet
hole which extends from the mix hopper down
to the rear of the freezing cylinder.
j4. Use the black bristle brush to thoroughly clean
the rear shell bearing located at the rear of the
freezing cylinder. Be sure to have a generous
amount of cleaning solution on the brush.
j5. Using a screwdriver and cloth t owel, keep the
female hex drive socket and rear shell bearing
cleanand fr ee of lubricant and product deposits.
j6. Properly prepare the cleaning and sanitizing
solutions. Read and follow label directions
carefully. Toostrong of a s olution may damage
the parts and too weak of a solution will not do
an adequate job of cleaning or sanitizing.
j7. Clean and sanit ize the product lines regularly to
prevent syrup residue build-up that would
restrict the proper flow of syrup.
j8. On a r egular basis, take a brix reading to assure
a consistent, quality product (post mix valve
systems only).
Regular Maintenance Checks
j1. Replace scraper blades that are nicked or
j2. Before ins talling the beater, be certain that the
scraper blades are properly attached over the
j3. Check the rear shell bearing for signs of wear
(excessive product leakage from the rear drip
pans to the front drip tray).
j4. Dispose of o-rings and s eals if they are worn,
torn, or fit too loosely, and replace with new
j5. Follow all lubricating proc eduresas outlined in
j6. If your machine is air cooled, check the
condenser(s) for accumulation of dirt and lint .
Dirty condensers will reduce the efficiency and
capacity of the machine. Condensers should be
cleaned monthly. Use a soft brush to clean
between the fins. Never use screwdrivers or
other metal probes to clean between the fins.
Winter Storage
If the place of business is to be closed during the winter
months, it is important to protect the freezer by
following certain precautions, particularly if the
building is subject to freezing conditions.
Disconnect the freezer from the main power source t o
prevent possible electrical damage.
Your local TaylorDistribut or can perform this service
for you.
Wrap detachable parts of the freezer such as beat er,
blades, drive shaft, and freezer door, and place in a
protected dry place. Rubber trim parts and gas kets
can be protected by wrapping them with
moisture-proof paper. All parts should be thoroughly
cleaned of dried mix or lubrication which attract mice
and other vermin.