To Save Nutritional Values into Memory
1.Follow steps 1 – 6 of the 'To Display Nutritional Values' section.
2.Press the “M+” button to add the food item being weighed to memory.
3.“M01” will be shown at the upper right corner of the display to indicate that one set of values has been saved to memory. To add additional food items to
memory, repeat the previous steps.
NOTE: The memory is saved permanently, even if the scale is switched off except when the batteries are removed.
NOTE: The maximum number of food items that can be added to the memory is
99.When the memory number reaches 99 the display will show “nutFl“. The memory must be cleared by following the instructions in the 'To Clear Memory' section.
To Recall Memory
1. Press the “MR” button to see the total ingredients of the food items stored to memory.
2.Ó is displayed next to the memory number indicator to indicate that the total memory is being displayed.
3.Press a nutrition button to view a nutrition value for the food item stored in memory. NOTE: It is not possible to display the total weight of the food items stored to memory.
To Clear Memory
1.Press the "MR" button.
2.Press the "C/MC" button.
3.The memory is cleared when the memory indicator and memory number are no longer displayed. NOTE: the scale can only store up to 99 foods in memory. If over 99 items are stored, the display will show “nutFl” .Press MC to clear the memory.
Function Buttons |
| Nutrition Buttons |
•On/Tare/OFF = Switch scale on or off and set weight to zero
•M+ = Save nutritional values to memory (up to a maximum of 99 values)
•MR = Recall the total nutritional values stored in memory
•C/MC = Clear all memories or clear food code
•g/oz/lb = Switch between lb:oz/g/kg
•Kcal = Calorie content (calories)
•Sod = Sodium content (mg)
•Fib = Fiber content (g)
•Chol = Cholesterol content (mg)
•Prot = Protein content (g)
•Carb = Carbohydrate content (g)
•Fat = Fat content (g)