Processed Meat Products
680Pepperoni, pork and beef
681Salami, beef and pork, cooked
682Salami, dry, pork and beef
683Sausage, pork and beef, cooked
684Sausage, pork, cooked
685Summer sausage, beef
686Vienna sausage (cocktail), beef and pork, canned
687Wiener, beef
688Wiener, beef and pork
689Wiener, chicken
690Wiener, turkey
Beans, Peas and Lentils
691Beans, baked, canned with pork
692Beans, baked, canned, plain
693Beans, black, boiled
694Beans, cranberry or Roman, boiled
695Beans, kidney, dark red, boiled
696Beans, navy, canned, solids and liquid
697Beans, pinto, canned, solids and liquid
698Beans, soybeans, dry, boiled
699Beans, white, canned, solids and liquid
700Lentils, boiled
702Peas, chickpeas (garbanzo), canned, solids and liquid
703Peas, split, boiled
704Tofu, firm, prepared with magnesium chloride
705Tofu, regular, prepared with magnesium chloride
706Peanut butter, chunk type, fat, sugar and salt added
707Peanut butter, smooth type, fat, sugar and salt added
708Peanut butter, natural
709Peanuts, all types,
710Peanuts, all types,
711Almonds, dry roasted, salt added
712Almonds, oil roasted
713Brazil nuts, dried
714Cashew nuts, dry roasted, salt added
715Coconut meat, desiccated, sweetened, shredded
716Coconut meat, desiccated, unsweetened, shredded
717Filberts or hazelnuts, chopped, dried
718Macadamia nuts, oil roasted, salt added
719Mixed nuts, dry roasted
720Mixed nuts, dry roasted, salt added
721Mixed nuts, oil roasted, salt added
722Pecans, dried
723Pine nuts, dried
724Pistachios, dry roasted, salt added, without shell
725Walnuts, dried
726Pumpkin and squash seeds, kernels, roasted
727Sesame butter, tahini
728Sesame seeds, whole, dried