Model 8756 Operating Proced ures
Step 12
When a steady stream of sanitizing solution is
flowing from the prime plug hole in the bottom of the
freezer door, press the PUMP key. This will
de-activate pump operation. Push down the prime
plug and allow the beater to agitate for 5 minutes.
Figure 51
Step 13
After 5 minutes, open the prime plug. Press t he
PUMP key. Open the draw valve and draw off the
remaining sanitizer. Momentar ily open the center
draw handle to sanitize the center door spout.
Figure 52
Step 14
When the sanitizer stops flowing from the door
spout, close the draw valve. Press the WAS H and
PUMP keys to stop operation.
Figure 53
Step 15
Disconnect the pressure line from the pressure
switch. Drain the sanitizer. Reconnect the press ure
line to the pressure switch.
Repeat these steps for the second freezi ng
Step 16
Prepare a sink with an approved sanitizing solution
(examples: Stera SheenRor Kay-5R). USE WARM
Step 17
Take the following parts to the sink and sanitize:
mix tanks, mix tank covers, mix probes, mix storage
covers, and funnels.