30 Model 8756Operating Procedures
Draining Product From theFreezing CylinderStep 1
Press the AUTO and MIX REF keys to c ancel
freezer operation.
Step 2
Open the mix cabinet door and remove the mix
storage cover, the mix tank cover, the m ix tank, and
the mix probe.
Step 3
If local health codes permi t the use of rerun,
empty the mix from the mix tank into a sanit ized,
NSF approved stainless steel rerun container. Place
a sanitized lid on the rerun container and place it in
the walk-in cooler.
Note: If local health codes DO NOT permitthe
use of rerun, the productmust be discarded .
Step 4
Repeat these steps for the second freezi ng
RinsingStep 1
Fill the empty pail in the mix cabinet with two gallons
(7.6 liters) of cool, clean water. Place the free end
of the suction line in the pail of water.
Step 2
Disconnect the pressure line from the pressure
switch and place it in the pail of water.
Step 3
Press the PUMP key. This action will cause the
rinse water to be pumped through the air/mix pump
and out through the pressure line. After
approximately 15 seconds, press the PUMP key to
stop operation.
Figure 61
Step 4
Drain and connect the free end of the pressure line
to the pressure switch.