8Getting Started

This section describes how to quickly make your first Bluetooth connection based on the following combinations of Bluetooth hardware:-

1.Two blu2i Modules.

2.One blu2i Module and a Bluetooth Enabled PC using TDK’s Go Blue USB Adaptor or PC Card.

Note: The following examples assume that a PC is used to control the blu2i Module using a Terminal Emulation application.

8.1.1Two blu2i Modules

Assuming your PC has 2 serial ports (COM1 and COM2) or that you have 2 PCs that each have one free serial port, attach a blu2i Module to each COM port. Launch a terminal emulation for each COM port and start off with comms parameters 9600,N,8,1.

Type AT<enter> and confirm that you see it echoed and then an OK response. If you do not see this behavior, close the application and restart with comms parameters 115200,N,8,1 and try again.

On the first terminal emulator application, enter the following commands:-




The response to ATI4 will be the modules Bluetooth address in the form of a 12 digit hex number.

On the second terminal emulator app, enter the following command:-


Where <bd_addr> is the 12 digit Bluetooth address you saw in response to ATI4 above.

After a moment, you will see the response “CONNECT <bd_addr>” on both terminal emulators. This confirms that you have a Bluetooth connection between the two.

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