1502C MTDR User Manual C–1
Appendix C: Operator TroubleshootingFor assistance in troubleshooting, use the following flow chart to determine if
you have a simple problem you can fix or if the instrument needs to be sent to a
Tektronix Service Center.
Use this process to determine whether the instrument should be repaired or is
OK to use when you have a problem.
CAUTION: Any time the instrument smells hot, repeatedly blows fuses, or
repeats the same error message, you should have the instrument serviced by
qualified technicians using the procedures in the 1502C Service Manual.
These are the first checks you should perform when you think you might have a
problem with the instrument.
The first step asks you to preset the instrument controls. Here is how to do that:
Set Vp to .66; turn the IMPEDANCE knob all the way counterclockwise; turn the
FILTER knob all the way counterclockwise, then back two clicks; turn the
DIST/DIV knob all the way counterclockwise, then back three clicks; turn the
PULSE WIDTH knob all the way counterclockwise; remove any accessories that
might be plugged into the Option Port (e.g., chart printer), and disconnect any
cable that might be attached to the front-panel connector.
To complete the tests, you might need a Volt-Ohmmeter (VOM), a flat-bladed
screw driver (to set the line voltage switch) and possibly, some spare fuses.
When you have completed these tests, you will know that it is safe to use the
instrument or that it needs repair or adjustment internally. You do not remove
the case for these tests.
IMPORTANT: It is possible for the instrument to continue to make some
measurements even after reporting an error message. Do not ignore repeated
error messages! They indicate something is wrong and should be used with the
1502C Service Manual troubleshooting procedures.
This procedure will give you confidence that the instrument is functioning
properly. It is not an exhaustive set of tests that guarantee that the instrument
meets all specifications and is perfectly calibrated. The calibration procedures in
the 1502C Service Manual are the best method for assuring that the instrument
meets all specifications.