Appendix B: Algorithms
B–10 TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
# = " ## *" ##"$
"  
If the target waveform leads the reference waveform, phase is positive; if it lags,
Phase is not available in the Snapshot display.
Timing measurement. The ratio of the positive pulse width to the signal period,
expressed as a percentage.
 #$&$ is defined in Positive Width, following.
If "  = 0 or undefined then return an error.
 #$&%$)) =  #$&$
"  %
Amplitude (voltage) measurement.
 #$&&"# $ = ( *
!$% %
Note that this value should never be negative.
Timing measurement. The distance (time) between  (default = 50%)
amplitude points of a positive pulse.
If " ## "$) = ‘+’
 #$&$ = " ##" ##
 #$&$ = " ##" ##
Timing measurement. Time taken for the leading edge of a pulse to rise from a
 ' value (default = 10%) to a  value (default = 90%).
Figure B–3 shows a rising edge with the two crossings necessary to calculate a
Rise Time measurement.
1. Searching from $"$ to , find the first sample in the measurement zone
less than  '.
Positive Duty CyclePositive OvershootPositive WidthRise Time