Simply follow the
Note: At the end of each software installation, “Setup Complete” appears and prompts you to restart your computer. If you have not yet finished installing the other software, click Cancel. Click Yes and restart your computer only when you have finished installing the last software.
Installing MegaCam Driver
The MegaCam Driver option in the installation screen installs two drivers into your computer: the MegaCam Driver and MSDC Driver. The PC Cam Driver allows you to connect the camera to your computer and download photos as well as use the digital camera as a Web camera. MSDC lets you copy photos and recorded video clips from the camera into your storage driver.
To install MegaCam Driver:
•Step 1 In the “Application Softwares” dialog box, click Next.
•Step 2 In the “Choose Destination Location” dialog box, specify the folder location in your computer where you want to install the MegaCam Driver.
The location, “C:\Program Files\Digital\Digital Camera”, is the default location chosen for installing the driver.
Click Next.
•Step 3 The Setup program then starts copying files to your computer. Wait for the installation to be completed.
•Step 4 When installation of the MegaCam Driver is complete, “Setup Complete” appears. Select Yes, I want to restart the computer now, and click Finish.
After your computer reboots and starts up Windows, continue installing the other software.
Downloading photos
Here is the exciting time! After you have finished taking photos, you must like to see how the result is. Simply follow the steps below you will realize how easy downloading photos can be:
•Step 1 Go to PC Mode options in your MegaCam Setup menu and select Storage Mode.
•Step 2 Connect your camera to a computer with the USB cable.
•Step 3 There will be a DSC Storage folder soon appeared in your Windows explorer. This folder is for storing your photos in camera’s memory card. Double click this folder, you will see the photos that you just took.
•Step 3 Now, you will be able to quickly copy photos from DSC Storage folder to your local hard drive and share them wth your families!