Running PC-Doctor

PC-Doctor is a DOS-resident program that can be run from either hard disk
or from the bootable diskette you previously created.
1. From the C:\ prompt change directory (type CD C:\PCDR) and press
2. The Diagnostics Program loads into system memory, and the LCD
displays the diagnostics Header.
nNote: There are a number of command-line sw itches that can be entered
when starting up PC-Doctor to enable automatic virus scanning, enable
loopback testing of serial/parallel ports, work from the remote menu if per-
forming remote operations, etc. To get a listing of the available command-
line switches, startup PC-Doctor with the following command: PCDR /? and
press Enter.
nNote: If PC-Doctor detects a virus, it will stop with an error message. You
must then use one of the standard virus detection and removal programs to
remove the virus. Quitting PC-Doctor

To exit PC-Doctor, sele ct the Quit pull down menu and then select the Quit
to DOS option.
nNote: For additional information, press F1 twice to access the online Refer-
ence manual for PC-Doctor.
5-10 Troubleshooting Procedures