5Troubleshooting Procedures
5.1 General
This section provides the followi ng information:
•Overview of the fault isolation process
•Guidelines for isolating computer malfunctions to replaceable
•Instructions for executing diagnostics and interpreting error messages.
5.2 Overview of Fault Isolation Process
The fault isolation process (summarized in Figure 5-1) consists of the
•Quick Check of the following:
•Notebook power system (including battery packs and AC
Adapter connections)- refer to Paragraph 5.4.
•Switch settings (ensure Power switch is On, and press
Standby switch to ensure that Notebook is not in Standby
mode; press Shift to ensure the notebook is not in
Auto-Suspend mode.
•All external cabling (if any).
•Check LCD Contrast adjustment (Dual Scan version only).
•Record and attempt to resolve any displayed error messages/LED
indications (refer to Paragraph 5.3 and Table 5-1).
•Record and attempt to resolve any series of beeps emitted from the
notebook indicating test failure (refer to Table 5-2).
Troubleshooting Procedures 5-1