Where To Get Help A-1
A Where To Get Help
assistance Customer support for your computer is
available. Please have your serial number ready
when you call.
Ordering notebook
World Wide Web http://www.ti.com/notebook/index.html
Feedback on
manuals To comment on the manuals for your computer,
send email to *PUBT@msg.ti.com
Phone (US / Canada) (800) TI-TEXAS Option 3,2,2
Phone (International) (817) 771-5856
Fax (817) 774-6660
TDD (800) 735-2989
BBS (817) 774-6809
Email *WWWS@msg.ti.com
Mail Customer Satisfaction Line
P.O. Box 6102 MS 3258
Temple, TX 76503-6102
Phone (US / Canada) (800) TI-TEXAS Option 2,1
Phone (International) (817) 774-6969
Fax (800) 44FAX-TI
TDD (800) 735-2989
BBS (817) 774-6809
Email 2TI@msg.ti.com
Mail TI Express
P.O. Box 6102 MS 3255
Temple, TX 76503-6102

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