1-12 General Description
1.4 Notebook Batteries
The notebook computer can use one of three types of batteries:
Primary Battery - Nickel-Metal-Hydride type
Primary Battery - Lithium-Ion type (option)
Secondary Battery - Lithium-Ion type (option)
The primary battery is housed in the battery compartment and the Secondary battery
fits in the Media Bay compartment. The characteristics of the available batteries are
listed in Table 1-5.

1.4.1 Deter mining Battery Charge Level

As shown in Figure 1-8, the batteries used in the Extensa 660 have a series of lighted
indicators that show the amount of charge remaining in the battery (visible when the
Charge Display button is pressed).
Figure 8 Battery Charge Indicators
Table 1-5 Battery Specifications
Primary Primary Secondary
Type Ni-MH Li-Ion Li-Ion
Maximum charge
current 1.3A CC/1.3A,
CV/12.3V CC/1.3A,
Average charge time 3 hours 4 hours 4 hours
Charge Indicators