5-6 Troubleshooting Procedures

Table 5-2 Power On Self Test Error Messages

Message Possible Cause Action
Diskette drive A fail ure The drive failed or i s missing. Check the drive to deter mine the
Diskette read failur e -
press F1 to retr y boot, F2
for SETUP utility
The disk is either not
formatted or is def ective. Replace the disk with a bootabl e
disk and retry.
Display adapter fail ed,
using alternat e The primary video adapter
failed. Check the primary video
Gate A20 failure The keyboard controller i s
not accepting command,
specifically, the enable and
disable A20 command.
Check the keyboard controll er
and system board. Turn the
power off, then back on agai n. If
the problem persists c ontact
qualified service per sonnel.
Fixed disk configur ation
error The specified configurati on is
not supported or doesn't
match the actual hardware
Correct the fixed di sk
Fixed disk control ler
failure The fixed disk may be
defective. Try reboot ing. If that doesn't
work, replace the fi xed disk.
Fixed disk read failur e -
press F1 to retr y boot, F2
for SETUP utility
The fixed disk may be
configured incorrec tly or is
Check the drive type select ed in
SETUP. Try rebooting. If t hat
does not work, replace t he fixed
Pointer device failur e The PS/2-style mouse failed. Try rebooting. If problem
persists, check t he mouse, cable
and connector.