4.2.1 Detailed TLV320AIC3007 Block Diagram
TLV320AIC3007EVM Software
The ADC Overflow and DAC Overflow indicators illuminate when the overflow flags are set in theTLV320AIC3007. Below these indicators are the AGC Noise Threshold Exceeded indicators thatilluminate when the AGC noise threshold is exceeded. To the far right of the screen, the Short CircuitDetect indicators illuminate when a short-circuit condition is detected, if this feature has been enabled.Below the short-circuit indicators, the AGC Gain Applied indicators use a bar graph to show the amountof gain which has been applied by the AGC and indicators that illuminate when the AGC is saturated.
Figure 5.
To view the detailed block diagram, click on the "Show" button at the top left of the Main Software Screen(Figure 4 ). This block diagram shows the details of the processing blocks of the TLV320AIC3007 includingthe I
C registers associated with each block.
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