4.10.1 DAC Controls
4.10.2 Line Output Mixers
TLV320AIC3007EVM Software
The DAC/Line Outputs tab controls the DAC power and volume, as well as routing of digital data to theDACs and the analog line output from the DACs. (See Figure 26 .)
On the left side of this tab are controls for the left and right DACs.
In similar fashion as the ADC, the DAC controls are set up to allow powering of each DAC individually andsetting the output level. Each channel's level can be set independently using the corresponding Volumeknob. Alternately, by checking the Slave to Right box, the left-channel Volume can be made to track theright-channel Volume knob setting; checking the Slave to Left box causes the right-channel Volume knobto track the left-channel Volume knob setting.
Data going to the DACs is selected using the drop-down boxes under the Left and Right DAC Datapath.Each DAC channel can be selected to be off, use left-channel data, use right-channel data, or use a monomix of the left and right data.
Analog audio coming from the DACs is routed to outputs using the Output Path controls in each DACcontrol panel. The DAC output can be mixed with the analog inputs (LINE2L, LINE2R, PGA_L, PGA_R)and routed to the Line or High Power outputs using the mixer controls for these outputs on this tab (for theline outputs) or on the High Power Outputs tab (for the high power outputs). If the DAC is to be routeddirectly to either the Line or HP outputs, these can be selected as choices in the Output Path control.Note that if the Line or HP outputs are selected as the Output Path, the mixer controls on this tab and theHigh Power Output tabs have no effect.
On the right side of this tab are horizontal panels where the analog output mixing functions for the lineoutputs are located.
Each line output master volume is controlled by the knob at the far right of these panels, below the lineoutput labels. The output amplifier gain can be muted or set at a value between 0 and 9 dB in 1-dB steps.Power/Enabled status for the line output can also be controlled using the button below this master outputknob ( Powered Up).
If the DAC Output Path control is set to Mix with Analog Inputs, the six knobs in each panel can be usedto set the individual level of signals routed and mixed to the line output. LINE2L, LINE2R, PGA_L, PGA_R,and DAC_L and DAC_R levels can each be set to create a custom mix of signals presented to thatparticular line output. Note: if the DAC Output Path control is set to anything other than Mix with AnalogInputs, these controls have no effect.
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