Inaddition to all of the terminology associated with consumer electronics products, a few additional terms are used
almost exclusively in karaoke. These terms are meant to familiarize you with the world of Karaoke.The features
listedbelow necessarilypertain to the particular model Singing Machine that you have. The following are
somebrief explanations of karaoke terms:
Echoadds depth and resonance to a singer's voice without affecting the music. This echo is produced by creating
minorcontrolled feedback in the singer's voice.
When the AVCfunction is activated, the vocals on a multiplex recordings are eliminated as soon as the singer
begins singing into the microphone. When the singer stops singing, the vocals on the multiplex recording are
automaticallyre-activated. This useful function is used primarily during practice sessions while a singer is learning a
song.Please note that the AVCfunction only works with multiplex recording and not with standard audio recordings.
KeyController changes the key of the CD/CDG,MP3, DVD, Cassette music to adjust to the singer ’svoice.
Thisis an acronym for Compact Disc plus Graphics. You will also see variations CD+G,and CD+Graphics. This is a
regular audio CD with information stored on a data track simultaneous to music. In laymen's terms, CDG has a
videooutput for simple graphics (not full motion video). In the case of karaoke, the graphics function is used to store
songlyrics, and display thelyrics in synch with music. In most cases, CDG software displays lyrics which change
coloras they are to be sung. A regulartelevision is all that is required to display CDG lyrics.
Standardaudio discs and cassette tapes will not display lyrics on your TV. Audio CDs do not contain the software
necessaryto display lyrics.
AutoVoice Control (A.V.C.):
Ourmultiplex recordings contain 2 copies of the same song. One version is a stereo recording of the song without
thelead singer. The second version is recorded with the music and background vocals on the left channel and the
lead singer recorded on the right channel. This ‘split track’recording allows you to control the volume of the lead
singerby adjusting the balance control. You can sing a duet with the lead singer or use the lead singer as a guide as
you learn the song, gradually fading them out with the balance control until you are able to sing the song on your