Fun and Games
Ottobot is filled to the brim with all sorts of interactive fun including games, jokes and riddles. These are accessed 3 different ways.
Ottobot will often offer up games to play or a joke to share. He is also able to remember what your favorite game is and invite you to play.
2.Game and Activity menus
Ottobot's control panel allows for very intuitive access to all of his games and content. By pressing the Red or Green buttons three times you will access the Game and Activity menus respectively. Each menu gives you easy access to 4 options that Ottobot will verbally detail illuminating the corresponding button to allow for direct access.
3.Quick launch codes
In addition to the menus there are easy button codes that the user can press at any time to immediately access content.
CopycatTM (Quick launch code - Yellow/ yellow/ yellow)
CopycatTM is the classic electronic memory game. Using the light- up Control Panel, Ottobot will display a pattern of buttons that you must remember and repeat. If you respond correctly, Ottobot will increase the difficulty by repeating the previous pattern and adding another button. Is your memory up to the challenge?
1)Ottobot will say, “Ok, do what I do!” and the game begins.
2)Ottobot will start by lighting one single color of his control panel and wait for you to repeat it. If you have gotten it correct he will follow by flashing the same button again and then add a second. It is up to
you to try to repeat the pattern and progress as far as you can with Ottobot continuing to add another button each time.
3)If you press the wrong button Ottobot will let you know with a “Blatt!” and then flash the correct button. Ottobot will then tell you how far you progressed and ask whether you care to play again.
4)Play with yourself or challenge a friend. Who can get the highest score?
Programmed Walking (Quick launch code - Yellow/ yellow/ blue)
Although Ottobot is able to walk wherever he wishes, he also enjoys a game where he goes exactly where you tell him. By pressing the direction buttons on his control panel in the order and number of steps you desire, Ottobot will walk anywhere you direct him to.
1)Ottobot will say, “Where do you want me to go?” and wait for you to input instructions.
2)Using Ottobot’s control panel, press the colored buttons that correspond with the directions you wish him to go.
Yellow | - | Front | Blue | - | Back |
Green | - | Left | Red | - | Right |
3)Be sure to press the buttons in the order that you wish Ottobot to follow including how many steps you wish him to take. If you want Ottobot to walk for a longer time in any particular direction, press the same button the amount of times that you would like him to walk. Ottobot will repeat how many steps you have chosen for him.
4)Please note that Ottobot does not walk the same number of steps as you program him to. Ottobot’s “steps” are actually a short period of time that he will go in the chosen direction.