IV-4 . Motorized DiSEqC 1.2

If you have DiSEqC 1.2 motorised system, then you can use the DiSEqC 1.2 functions.

. Satellite Name

A selection of satellite names that will be used to identify a motor position.

. Frequency: Selects the frequency to catch the strong signal.

. DiSEqC Command Mode : Change the current mode between U s e r and I n s t a l l e r modes.

- U s e r: This mode is used to fine-tune the position of the motor for better reception.

- I n s t a l l e r: This mode is used to search for the position of a satellite manually.

. Movement: In case of U s e r mode, the movement is adjustable by fine-tuning. In case of I n s t a l l e r mode, the movement is adjustable by E a s t, W e s t going command.