314 Error CodeRFC related
Error code Problem What to do
2500 Syntax error, com-
mand unrecognized:
(RFC: 500), Destina-
tion mail address error
(RFC: 500), Terminal
mail address error
(RFC: 500)
Check if the Terminal mail address and Destination mail address
are correct.
Check if the mail server is operating properly.
Turn the power OFF and then back ON, and perform the job in
error again.
2501 Syntax error in param-
eters or arguments:
(RFC: 501), Destina-
tion mail address error
(RFC: 501), Terminal
mail address error
(RFC: 501)
Check if the Terminal mail address and Destination mail address
are correct.
Check if the mail server is operating properly.
Turn the power OFF and then back ON, and perform the job in
error again.
2503 Destination mail
address error
(RFC: 503)
Check if the mail server is operating properly.
Turn the power OFF and then back ON, and perform the job in
error again.
If the error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2504 HOST NAME error
(RFC: 504)
Check if the mail server is operating properly.
Turn the power OFF and then back ON, and perform the job in
error again.
If the error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2550 Destination mail
address error
(RFC: 550)
Check if the Destination mail address is correct. Check the sta-
tus of mailbox access restriction, etc. on the mail server.
2551 Destination mail
address error
(RFC: 551)
Check the Destination mail address. Check if the mail server is
operating properly.
2552 Terminal/Destination
mail address error
(RFC: 552)
File is too large for mailbox. Confirm the mailbox size on the mail
server. Transmit again in text mode or with a lower resolution. If
the error still occurs, divide the document and transmit again.
2553 Terminal/Destination
mail address error
(RFC: 553)
Check if there is an illegal character in the mailbox in the mail