If Something Goes Wrong

Resolving a hardware conflict

4Verify that the DHCP Enabled setting is set to Yes.

5Click Close.

Use IPCONFIG to verify that the computer has a useful IP address—one other than the private address of 169.254.xxx.xxx assigned by Windows®.

1Click Start to open the Start menu.

2Type Cmd in the search field.

3At the top-left of the Start menu, click cmd.exe to open the command prompt.

4Enter IPCONFIG /ALL and press Enter.

The IP address for each active network adapter will be displayed.

Connect your computer directly to your router or broadband modem, by plugging a standard CAT5 Ethernet patch cable (sold separately) into your computer's RJ45 Ethernet port. If your connection problem disappears, the problem lies in the Wi-Fi®part of your network.

Use the PING command to verify a connection to the gateway at (a default gateway for most wireless routers).

1 Click Start to open the Start menu.

2 Type Cmd in the search field.

3 At the top-left of the Start menu, click cmd.exe.

4 Enter PING at the command prompt, and press


5 If “Request Timed Out” or another error message appears in response, then the problem is probably Wi-Fi®-related.

If you have enabled any security provisions (closed system, MAC address filtering, Wired Equivalent Privacy [WEP], etc.), check the access point vendor's Web site for recent firmware upgrades. Problems with WEP keys, in particular, are frequently addressed in new firmware releases.