SECTION lOO-816-205
These minimum installation steps must be carried out for proper system operation.
1. Set the SW1 switch in the Base Unit ON for BATTERY OPERATION; otherwise, all programmed
customer data will be lost on power down.
2. If required, install KSTU and K4RCU in the Base Unit.
3. If the system is configured with an Expansion Unit, follow the order prescribed below:
a) Install PDKU, PEKU, PSTU, PESU, or KCDU in Slot 04.
b) If installing two KCDUs, install a KCDU in Slot 05. (The other KCDU should be installed in
Slot 04.)
c) If the system is configured with a PCOU, install it in Slot 05. (The system cannot be
configured with both a PCOU and KCDU in the Expansion Unit.)
d) If the system is configured with a PIOU or PIOUS, install it in Slot 06. (Slot 07 should be
reserved for future use.)
4. Initialize Programs 00 - 97 by running Program 90.
5. Run Program 92.
6. Enter the hardware configuration with Program 03, exit the programming mode, turn power
OFF for five seconds, then turn power back ON.
1. Install new PCBs and set the new configuration with Program 03. (Turn power OFF for five
seconds affer running Program 03.)
2. Program new features, options, etc. created by new additions.