Account Name: Enter the account name of L2TP/PPTP tunnel. It should be configured
identically on server and client.
Password: Enter the password of L2TP/PPTP tunnel. It should be configured
identically on server and client.
Tunnel: Select the network mode for the tunnel. Options include:
LAN-to-LAN: Select this option when the L2TP/PPTP client is a
LAN. The tunneling request is always initiated by a router.
Client-to-LAN: Select this option when the L2TP/PPTP client is a
single PC.
Max Connections: Specify the maximum connections that the tunnel can support. This
item is available for Client-to-LAN tunnel type on Server mode.
WAN: Specify the WAN port to transmit the packets. This item is available
for Client mode.
L2TP/PPTP Server: Enter the IP address of L2TP/PPTP server. (It’s always the WAN IP
address of the remote peer of L2TP/PPTP tunnel.) This item is
available for Client mode.
Encryption: Specify whether to enable the encryption for the tunnel. If enabled,
the L2TP tunnel will be encrypted by IPsec, and the PPTP tunnel will
be encrypted by MPPE.
Pre-shard Key: Enter the Pre-shared Key for IKE authent ication. This item is available
for L2TP tunnel.
Client: Enter the IP address of the client which is allowed to connect to this
L2TP/PPTP server. The default IP "" means any IP address is
IP Pool: Select the IP Pool Name to specify the address range for the server's
IP assignment. This item is available for Server mode.