TP-LINK > user get
Username: admin
Password: admin
Query the user name and
password of the current
TP-LINK > user set password
Enter old password:
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
Modify the password of the
TP-LINK # user get
Username: admin
Password: admin
Query the user name and
password of the
TP-LINK # user set password
Enter old password:
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
Modify the password of the
TP-LINK # user set username
Enter new username: tplink
Modify the user name of the
The new user name and password must not exceed 31 characters in length and must consist of
numbers or letters. All the fields are case-sensitive.
5.4.5 history The history command is used for you to view or clear the historical commands.