Session Limit
Status: Activate or inactivate the entry.
ssions for the hosts within group1
Choose the menu AdvancedSession LimitSession List to load the following page.
Group: Select a group to define the controlled users.
Max. Sessions: Enter the max. Sessions for the users.
Descript Give a description for the entry.
List of Session Limit
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
The first entry in Figure 3-37 indicates: The amount of maximum se
is 100 and this entry is enabl Session List

On this page, you can view the Session Limit information of hosts configured with Session
Figure 3-38 Session List
In this table, you can view the session limit information of users configured with Session Limit. Click
latest information.
, you can configure the traffic sharing mode of the WAN ports to optimize the resource
Choose the menu AdvancedLoad BalanceConfiguration to load the following page.
the <Refresh> button to get the
3.3.4 Load Balance
In this part
utilization. Configuration