Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Configure the power disconnect method as deny-next-port:
TP-LINK(config)# power inline disconnect-method deny-next-port
power inline supply status Description
The power inline supply status command is used to enable or diable the PoE
feature for the corresponding port
power inline supply status {enable|disable}
status —— the PoE status of the corresponding port.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode
Enable the PoE feature for port 2.:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# power inline supply status enable
power inline priority Description
The power inline priority command is used to configure the PoE priority for the
corresponding port
power inline priority {low|middle|high}
priority —— Cooperates with the Power Disconnected Method to decide the
way to supply power to the new linked PD (Powered Device) when the surplus
power is inadequate. The priority levels include High, Middle and Low in
descending order.
Command Mode