name—— the time-range you have configured.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode
Select the Seg2 as the time range for port 2.:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# power inline time-segment Seg2
power inline profile Description
The power inline profile command is used to choose the the PoE profile you
want to apply to the selected port.. no power inline profile is used to cancel the
selected PoE profile.
power inline profile {name}
no power inline profile
name—— the PoE profile you have configured.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode
Select the File2 as the time range for port 2.:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# power inline profile File2
power profile Description
The power profile command is used to create a PoE profile. no power profile
is used to remove the configured PoE profile. PoE Profile is a short cut for the
configuration of the PoE port. You can create some profiles to be applied to the
ports. In a profile, the PoE status, PoE priority and Power limit are configured.
power profile {profile name} [supply-status{enable|disable}] [priority