is to prevent wrong network topology change caused by the role change of the
current legal root bridge.
TC —— Enable/ Disable TC Protect. By default, it is disabled.
defend —— Enable/ Disable BPDU Protect. By default, it is disabled. BPDU
Protect is to prevent the edge port from being attacked by maliciously created
hold —— Enable/ Disable BPDU Filter. By default, it is disabled. BPDU Filter is
to prevent BPDUs flood in the STP network.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Modeinterface ethernet / interface range ethernet
Enable Loop Protect, Root Protect, TC Protect, BPDU Protect, and BPDU Filter
for port 2:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# spanning-tree security loop enable root enable TC
enable defend enable hold enable
spanning-tree mcheck
The spanning-tree mcheck command is used to enable MCheck.
spanning-tree mcheck
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Modeinterface ethernet / interface range ethernet
Enable MCheck for port 2:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# spanning-tree mcheck
show spanning-tree global-info
The show spanning-tree global-info command is used to display the current
status of Spanning Tree.