Chapter 16 SSH Commands SSH (Security Shell) can provide the unsecured remote management with security and powerful
authentication to ensure the security of the management information.
ssh server enable Description
The ssh server enable command is used to enable SSH function. To disable
the SSH function, please use no ssh server enable command.
ssh server enable
no ssh server enable
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable the SSH function:
TP-LINK(config)# ssh server enable
ssh version Description
The ssh version command is used to enable the SSH protocol version. To
disable the protocol version, please use no ssh version command.
ssh version { v1 | v2 }
no ssh version { v1 | v2 }
v1 | v2 —— The SSH protocol version to be enabled. They represent SSH v1
and SSH v2 respectively.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable SSH v2: