value ——The value of Flow Control. The options are 0/5/10/15/20/25/30
(packet/second). The default value is 0, which stands for disable.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode(interface ethernet / interface range ethernet)
Set the Flow Control of port 2 as 20 pps:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# dhcp-snooping rate-limit 20
dhcp-snooping decline Description
The dhcp-snooping decline command is used to enable the Decline Protect
feature. To disable the Decline Protect feature, please use no dhcp-snooping
decline command.
dhcp-snooping decline
no dhcp-snooping decline
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode(interface ethernet / interface range ethernet)
Enable the Decline Protect feature of port 2:
TP-LINK(config)# interface ethernet 2
TP-LINK(config-if)# dhcp-snooping decline
show binding-table Description
The show binding-table command is used to display the IP-MAC-VID-PORT
binding table.
show binding-table