N600 Universal Dual Band WiFi Entertainment Adapter with 4 Ports
(Each device has its unique PIN code, or you can generate a new one by clicking Gen New
PIN button. Here we take the default PIN code 12345670 of this device for example).
Figure 4-4
2) Enter the PIN to the main router/APs WPS page, and then click Connect on it.
Figure 4-5
3) Click Connect on the deviceWPS page (as shown in Figure 4-4).
4.4 Advanced
There are five submenus under the Advanced menu (shown as Figure 4-16): LAN, Wireless
Settings, Wireless Advanced, DHCP Settings and Profile. Clicking any of them will enable you
to configure the corresponding function. The detailed explanations for each submenu are provided
Figure 4-6 The Advanced menu

4.4.1 LAN

Selecting Advanced > LAN will enable you to configure the IP parameters of Network on this